Donate, donate donate to the campaign
Financial donations are welcome to support our efforts to get our initiative on the ballot in November 2016!
Federal and State law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name and location of employer for individuals whose contributions exceed $100.00. Sorry, we are not quite ready to accept electronic contributions. If you choose to donate at this time make the check out to: Oregon We the People Coalition or OWTPC. Please add separately, if not on the check, the following required information: Name Address (street, city, state, zip) AND if donation is $100 or more the following occupational information: Self-employed, or Not employed (e.g., retired) Occupation (e.g., accountant, welder) Employer's, name, city and state Contributions to OWTPC are NOT tax-deductible. (don’t forget to include your employment info if over $100.00) Mail the donation to: OWTPC c/o Bob Ozretich 453 SE Powell Ave Corvallis OR 97333 Thank You! Reporting In-Kind Contributions"In-Kind" expenditures---Itemize using the following ORESTAR "Transaction Purposes" when you submit your expenses
1. Literature, Brochures, Printing-- Corvallis commercial printing rates: 0.05 per single sheet and $0.09 per double sided, yielding: $0.14 per signature package---use this for home printed sheets, or actual expenses 2. Postage--actual cost 3. Travel---Example in Elections' manual had $0.50 per mile---use this The following information will be needed: 1. NAME 2. Address (full)3. OCCUPATION (RETIRED is a choice) 4. EMPLOYER name including City and State (if retired, NONE is the appropriate choice) E-Mail information to [email protected] Thank you! |